
During the roman times slaves were given to the soldiers as a reward for their performance in the battle. These slaves were known by a certain name. Eventually a person who was a slave to anything came to be known by this word. identify the word ;)


This cave painting found in Kurdistan,is believed to be the oldest proof of a particular action.During the medieval ages this was considered as a way to have an unholy alliance with the devil but during renaissance this gained popularity and is very common now.What is depicted in the painting?



X was discovered in 1947 by an Hungarian physicist.The discovery was an unexpected result of research into improving electron microscopes.Early on artists saw the potential of X as a medium and gained access to science laboratories to create their work. Pictures of a toy-train and a bird were transformed using this technology in 1962, its first successful application. It was given a name derived from the Greek words for 'complete' and 'message'. what is X??

ID the boy.