The sensation caused in the 1930s by X's ten–minute nude bathing scene in a Czechoslovakian movie has given wide currency to the mistaken idea that X was the first nude actress on screen. Her first husband was an armaments manufacturer who told her how easy it was to block the radio signals then used to control torpedos.When she discovered that he was selling weapons to Hitler, she was horrified, disguised herself as a maid to escape him, and fled to Hollywood to continue her career as a movie actress. In her spare time, she invented Y to help the Allied war effort. Her scheme used 88 frequencies, the number of keys (and frequencies) on the piano. For their invention, she and her friend, the musical composer Z, received a U.S. patent. However, they were unable to convince the U.S. Navy that their invention had any practical use and never received any royalties. Only years after the patent expired did it become popular.

ID X,Y and if possible find Z.


Raghul Sudersan said...
September 27, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Hedy Lamarr . This one led me to many interesting topics

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