The Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy, also known as the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, is a series of films created by X and Edgar Wright, and starring X and Nick Frost in leading roles. The first two films in the series are Y, a zombie comedy with romantic comedy elements, and Z, a buddy cop action/comedy film. A third film, provisionally titled The World's End, is slated for the future.
Each film is connected to a Cornetto ice cream flavour - both of the films released to date feature scenes in which one of the main characters purchases a Cornetto of the appropriate flavour. Y features a (red) strawberry Cornetto, Z includes a (blue) Classico flavour, and The World's End is due to feature a green mint choc chip ice-cream. The use of the three colours of Cornetto is a reference to Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours film trilogy.
Y = Shaun of the dead , Z = Hot Fuzz and The world's end
X = Simon Pegg
I ve only seen Hot fuzz!
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