Don't tell me you are gonna google this !

Monty Norman claims that Y was inspired by the "Good Sign Bad Sign" sung by Indian characters in A House for Mr Biswas, a musical he composed based on a novel by V.S. Naipaul set in the Indian community in Trinidad. Norman showed his manuscript music from A House for Mr Biswas in a filmed interview and sang its lyrics. In 2005, Norman released an album called Completing the Circle that features "Good Sign Bad Sign", the "Y," and a similar sounding song titled "________." For these songs Norman added lyrics that explain the origin and history of the "Y".

Hence courts have ruled twice that the theme was written by Norman despite claims and testimony by Z that he had actually written the theme. Norman has consequently won two libel actions against publishers for claiming that Z wrote the theme, most recently against The Sunday Times in 2001. However, it is generally acknowledged that Z came up with the arrangement used in ______.


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